Connecticut Citizen Action Group (CCAG) latest news, events, programs and more
Thank you to everyone who took action to-Health insurance companies asked the Connecticut Insurance Department (CID) for its blessing to raise your rates - again.
The CID heard you and on September 6, they issued their final rulings on 8 health insurance rate filings for the 2025 individual and small group markets. The filings were made by 7 health insurers for plans that currently cover about 200,000 people. The average rate increase requested in the individual market was reduced by 29% from the requested 8.3%, resulting in an average increase of 5.9%. The average rate increase requested in the small group market was reduced 35% from a requested average of 11.9%, resulting in an average increase of 7.8%. CCAG released a press statement: "We appreciate the Insurance Department rolling back the proposed health insurance rate hikes and placing a cap on profits on health insurance. However, prices are still too high. The review did not adequately analyze how vertical integration impacts rates and did not place limits on this. The legislature needs to give the Department the tools to do this analysis and limit insurers' schemes to profit at every level." We are pleased that the hikes have been mitigated to a degree. Clearly, our government needs to act in a much stronger manner to rein in these corporate profiteers. Stay tuned for next steps!
CCAG Clean Energy SurveyAre you concerned about climate change?
Do you want your energy to come from clean and renewable sources, rather than gas and fossil fuels that exacerbate our climate crisis? CCAG wants to hear from you! This summer, we are speaking with people in the greater New Britain area about what we want from our leaders and our utility companies. Scan the QR code above or click here to sign up for the survey and to be part of the solution! |
Electric Rate Shock - Two Critical Actions to Take NOW!Republican leaders and utility companies are spreading lies about the cause of skyrocketing energy bills - and throwing clean energy under the bus.
Here are the facts: In 2017, mostly Republican lawmakers caved to pressure from Dominion and voted to give it a sweetheart deal on power generated by the Millstone nuclear plant. More recently, two PURA commissioners voted to recoup associated costs in just 10 months instead of 3 years. Your voice is needed! Please take both of the following actions now! Tell PURA Commissioners Betkoski and Caron to reverse their decision to recoup costs over a 10 month period and adopt Chairperson Marissa Gillett's recommendation that costs be spread out over three years. Let Commissioners Betkoski and Caron know we are sick and tired of energy corporations driving up our costs. Tell Your Legislators to Support Efficiency to Lower Energy Costs and start addressing the real issues driving up electric bills. Please take both of the above actions today, together we can win! |